Work with me, Mike the Mentor

In the early stages of your life, you constructed intricate psychological frameworks to navigate the world and establish a sense of security and identity. This conditioning has played a crucial role in your life thus far, supporting your well-being and functioning.

However, you may be noticing that this very conditioning now seems to place limitations on your personal and professional growth, hinder your ability to perform to your best, and impede your experience of fundamental well-being.

If you resonate with this and feel a calling to transcend these confines, I invite you to contact me for an exploratory chat. Together, we can explore paths to liberate yourself from the constraints of this conditioning, allowing you to embrace new avenues of development, uncover a different sense of your self and unlock a state of genuine fulfillment.

What I do

I love helping people change their lives, and the lives of others, for the better. For the last 30 years I've been developing powerful approaches and techniques to do this.

I offer:

In that time I've moved from helping people make straightforward behavioural changes (single-loop learning), through changing their beliefs and patterns of thinking (double-loop learning), to making fundamental changes in their world-views and sense of identity, and transmuting their unconscious defences into tools for change (triple-loop learning).

As well as the above, I now focus on supporting people with Coaching Beyond Ego. So if:

  • you have run up against the limits of the changes you can make on your own,

  • you want to be less Ego-bound, and more able to manage your inner psychological dynamics,

  • you are ready to awaken to your true nature and live and lead with more ease and purpose, 

and you want a guide on the journey, then contact me.

I coach face-to-face from my base in Malvern and while walking the Malvern Hills, and by phone/Zoom/Teams/...

When Change is Hard

Most of the people who ask me to work with them have already tried to change - their will to change is not the problem. What they have realised that making and sustaining change is not as easy as they had hoped.

The reason why significant change is often difficult is that we all - individuals, teams, organisations and societies - have interpsychic and intrapsychic processes which actively operate to keep us behaving in consistent and predictable ways - and to not change. To add to the challenge, we then hide these processes from ourselves so that we are unaware that they are operating! There are good evolutionary reasons for this, but they do make changing harder! Working with a coach or mentor can help you identify these hidden dynamics and then transcend them, releasing you to travel your spiritual path.

Find out more about some of these hidden processes: Conscious Leadership, Defences to Change, Covert Processes, and Shifting Stuck Behaviours.