The ABC model helps people replace limiting thinking with alternatives that help them be happier and more successful.
As we accept and embrace our limitations an almost magical transformation occurs.
Are you a Maximiser or a Satisficer? If you want to be happy, I hope its the latter!
One of the frequent issues I come across in my coaching work is out of control diaries! 8 common mistakes - and their remedies
Even if the purpose of society is not yet "the greatest happiness of the greatest number", here’s how to be happier.
If we are never willing to be incompetent then we can never grow, develop or change, nor will we ever achieve excellence.
Successful influencers use presence to impact others. They are able to create an energetic field which affects those included in it.
How do great companies become great? By having a Hedgehog concept to guide their efforts.
Only if you’re clear about your strengths can you get better at playing to them - here’s a useful framework.