Coaching Supervision

I work with coaches to support them in being the best coaches they can be. We focus on:

  • ensuring that they are developing effective working relationships with their coachees
  • facilitating their personal and professional development
  • developing their coaching competencies
  • ensuring that the their work and approach is aligned with the needs of the coachee and of the client organisation
  • helping them make the personal shifts that will enable them to help their coachees make the shifts they need to make.

Supervision can also support other professionals including mentors, consultants, advisors and trainers.


Coaching Supervision supports coaches in:

  • developing new choices when "stuck" in their work
  • exploring ethical dilemmas in a safe and confidential environment
  • balancing their responsibilities both to the organization and to their individual clients
  • learning new skills and approaches
  • acquiring new models and frameworks to guide their coaching
  • understanding the culture or ecology of organisations in which they operate
  • knowing how to work effectively within an organizational setting
  • controlling the flow of information, particularly 'double bind' information
  • seeing the coaching within the context of the wider organisational needs
  • developing their coaching presence by increasing their Self awareness and their ability to use their perceiving, thinking, feeling, intuiting, and wisdom in service of their clients and the systems they operate in.


The frequency of the supervision sessions will depend on the volume of coaching work being undertaken, the experience of the coach, and the nature of their work environment. (The CIPD recommends that coaches should receive supervision at least once every 2 months or one hour for every 35 hours of coaching.)

Next Steps

If you'd like to explore these ideas further or discuss having coaching supervision then contact me. Information about working with me can be found here.